Saturday, March 21, 2020

Corona Markets -week 2

Foreign markets have now pulled back to the Christmas 2018 lows...



US markets...

We 'could' see a similar pullback over time...
On the bright side, maybe the gov't fiscal stimulus turns things around



  Small Caps 
-almost there



AMZN -holding up
The Techs have held up pretty well

SHOP -very strong


F Ford 
We could see companies like this one go down...

  AAL -also in bad shape
...and others

Corona Markets

Foreign markets have pulled back to the highs of last July & September...

US markets...

We 'could' see a similar pullback over time...
The Corona thing was just a 'catalyst' for very extended markets.
So the pullback, if we get it, is really just a reset to more normal levels.
With any luck, we don't get there, and we turn around, leaving that green July line behind :)

Update -Looks like we could revisit our old friends around 3025ish 

The DOW & Russell 2000 are already there (July highs)...